Tools & Resources

  • Journal Prompts

    Journaling doesn’t have to be about writing. You can use these as a thinking or talking topic.

    You will find a whole Board jam packed filled with Journal Prompts over on my Pinterest. New ones are added daily.

  • Quotes & Mantras

    Over on my Pinterest You will find a Board packed with words to inspire you.

    New ones are added each week.

    Read How & Why I use Mantras

  • Mental Health Resources

    A blog post filled with Free or affordable Mental Health Resources available online & in Ireland.

    I would like to make this an international so please get in touch if you know what available in your country.

Find the joy in each day!

Its there to be found.

Try and notice the moments of joy—the moments when you feel blissful, content, or peaceful. Become aware of them so that you have the information and power to create or facilitate more.

Stop when they happen and absorb and cherish the feelings; this will really cement the feelings within you.

I started this decades ago when I was living with active, severe depression. Getting out of bed was hard, but it triggered a spark of hope in me. There had to be one moment that was my favourite moment of the day.

Favourite implies better than the rest, but it doesn't mean that you have to love the moment; it just means you have to notice which was a little better than the rest. And that is what I focused on during my days.

Now I live a life where most days I can't pick just one favourite moment as there are too many really great moments to pick just one standout great feeling moment.

You can answers these question in the digital workbooks directly using a free tool DOCHUB.

If writing isn't you thing, you could take this questions on an evening walk and answer them in your mind.

You could end your day just thinking on them as part of your wind down bedtime routine.

Whatever way you choose i hope they bring you deeper in knowing and loving for yourself

Let's embark on a deliberate journey of self-discovery. Rather than racing through, let's take a mindful approach—delving into a rhythm of conscious questioning and exploration. 

This year, let's unfold the layers of self in a way that's gentle, exciting and revealing.

Exploration doesn't have to be done sitting down and writing in a journal. 

I love to use prompts as thinking topics. I take a walk with them in my mind. You can also audio record your answers or get an app to transcribe them for you. 

Whatever works for you is the best way to do it. 

This is a simple and powerful tool that i created for myself to help me on the days I want to hide away. To help me break that pattern of giving in to those feelings of not bothering and not knowing what to do with myself.

It has shattered my belief that nothing would make me feel better and nothing is worth the effort.

Ive have tried and tested this tool time and time again and it is now my go-to depression support tool.

Its like taking one step, at a time, up the ladder out of the dark well.

Let’s celebrate you

When was the last time you patted yourself on the back, wanted to give yourself a high five, or bragged about yourself to others?

I have created this journal to start you on your journey back to consciously celebrating yourself each and every day.

I promise there are many days when you have accomplished more than you realised because you were lost in your to-do list, felt overwhelmed, or were distracted, berating yourself for "underachieving".

This is not acceptable since we are accomplishing by participating in each and every day of our life on this planet, and I want to show you how achieving enough to celebrate yourself does not have to be in the doing.

Reflect on your day

This is a reflection journaling to help you become more aware of who you are and why you do things. It will start you on your journey of how to get to know yourself and if you are living in a way that brings joy and support to your needs and wants as an individual.

What comes from really knowing yourself is the opportunity to be loved whole. To love yourself is to be free.

Doing the exploration is the goal & reward.

I have created this guided Journal to start you on your journey back to yourself.

Have you lost connection with your inner home? That safe space inside you where love keeps you warm, kind words keep you strong and your deep knowing means you always know your way forward?

Take time to stop, ponder and connect with yourself. Reflect on your journey so far. Reconnect to parts of you that have been forgotten. Paint a vision of your dream future and the stepping stones to make it your reality.

Looking Back to Move Forward

Looking back can feel daunting or scary, but you don't have to do it alone. I'm always here to guide you in your exploration.

Looking back allows us to learn what worked for us, what supported us, and what nourished us through awareness.

Awareness gives you the power to make choices that will carry you forward with ease and joy.

Self Care Tips

Self-care is not selfish; Its essential for staying physically and mentally well

  • Take care of your mind and body

    Tune in so you always hear what they are trying to tell you.

    • Sit or ly down for 3 minutes a day and go inward.

      Scan your body slowly and get to know it. Then you will notice changes and eventually, in time you will start to hear your body speak to you.

  • Get to know what your needs are. Listen to what feels right in your gut, not what you feel should work, or what you should do. Take a note when you do something that makes you feel refreshed.

  • Learn to say NO.

    It's not rude to limit how much time, energy and love you give out to others.

    • We often are raised to believe that other people should come before our needs or wants. If this is true for you I encourage you to put yourself, and your needs, at the same level of importance that you put others.

    • I dare you to say no to something this week. It may leave you feeling uncomfortable but in time this will change into a happy feeling because when you say no to someone else you are saying yes to more time for you.

  • Set boundaries

    Boundaries let others know how to support your well-being and how best to show you love.


Your relationship with yourself is the longest one you will have in your life.

The best thing about this relationship is that you get to choose what kind of relationship this is because you have complete control over it.

Choose to create a supportive, loving and fun self-relationship. Become your best friend and never feel unsupported or lonely again.